​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Mark & Cindy Brannon | Tour Coordinators

Mark and Cindy Brannon's love for Israel started over 28 years ago. They found themselves  journeying to the Holy Land several times a year. Several friends asked to join them on one of the life changing experiences. The trip changed others lives, deepened their love of the Bible and Yeshua the same impact it had on them and their family. They decided to begin hosting tours to Israel in 2012. Since then, they have helped hundreds of believers discover Israel and make their bible come alive. 

A Message from Mark and Cindy Brannon

We love the Lord above all things and feel called to educate people on the Old Testament foundations for our New Testament faith. As Christians, we have always felt a deep connection with Israel and the Jewish people and we feel that – until you experience Holy Land personally and in the flesh – you will not understand the true depth of your Hebraic Faith and the richness of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

After traveling around the world and seeing many different countries and experiencing a variety of cultures, we honestly feel that there is no place on earth like Israel. The truth of the Bible – God’s Holy Word – and its rich history will be laid out before your eyes. Many people often forget that Jesus was, in fact, Jewish! We will walk the streets He walked, see the synagogue in which He first preached, and where He made the ultimate sacrifice and redeemed us for our sins.

Our prayer for this tour is that you will return and share what you have seen, heard, and how much you have learned with fellow believers so that they also may understand the Hebrew Bible in its original context.

Our heart is this: that you be blessed according to what the Scriptures say about those who bless Israel, ’I will bless those who bless you … and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Gen 12:3. We are so excited to have you, are praying for you, and are thrilled to have you join us for this trip of a lifetime.

           We hope to see you next year in Jerusalem! 


​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

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Ilan Barkay - Tour Guide

I was born in Jerusalem and live now in the suburbs of Jerusalem. I served the IDF in the Air traffic control unit in the air force.

I qualified as a licensed Israel tour Guide with the Israel Ministry of Tourism in 1987.

I was certified as a licensed Travel Expert by the Israel Ministry of Tourism. I took numerous courses regarding Christianity, Archaeology, Historic and specific courses about new and old sites in Israel.

For the past 22 years I have been guiding in Israel - tour groups, individuals, Family tours, government official guests and business guests on tours of Israel.

My expertise is in Christian sites and places. I work mainly with Christian groups and especially with Evangelistic churches. I guided groups like: Dr. Chuck Swinglo, Dr. Chuck Smith, Dallas Theological seminar and many more.

Most of the work as a tour guide in Israel I see as a mission to transfer its historic wealth of the bible and I hope to connect the tourists through that to the landscape and sites and share with him the love for the Holy Land!

In 2004 I was selected as the best tour guide in Israel from Israel Ministry of Tourism! 

David Minai | Transportation Specialist

David Minai is a very good and valuable member of the Immanuel Tours staff and has been working with our company for many years; always to the full satisfaction of ourselves and the groups which he has driven in his luxury motor coach. He lives in Ashkelon with his wife and family, a city which is only a few kilometers from the border with Gaza.


Charlie Weizman | Transportation Specialist

My name is Charlie Weizman and I look forward to being your driver during your upcoming tour to Israel .
I live in Ashdod and have been a bus driver for the past 30 years. For the past 10 years I have been working closely with Immanuel Tours and David Minai .

What I love about my job is showing people from all around the World our beautiful country and opening their eyes to the reality of living in Israel. I enjoy meeting people from different countries and cultures and look forward to being with you on this journey.

Susan Esched | Immanuel Tours Owner & Representative

As the daughter of Phillip Meyers, the tourism business is a world I grew up in to. I remember visiting the tour groups with my Father since I was a very little girl. 

In 1984 I joined my Father and have been working in Immanuel Tours ever since. What I enjoy the most in my work is meeting people from all over the world and getting the chance to know them and develop a personal contact that continues for years.

I look forward to meeting you all – NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM



Immanuel Tours | Tour Partner

Immanuel Tourist Services Ltd. is a family concern founded by Mr. Phillip Meyers, a qualified travel expert with over 48 years of experience in the field of tourism and Christian Pilgrimage to Israel and other Bible Lands.The company’s expertise is mainly in Christian travel, and in the course of those many years we have dealt with tour groups and individuals from all over the world, establishing a solid reputation for reliability and high level of service. This high level of service is mirrored by the fact that a large number of our worldwide clientele are repeat customers, some of whom have been working with Immanuel Tours for more than 30 consecutive years.